Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Marine Life Protection Act Regional Stakeholder Group Meeting in Carlsbad, CA

One of the Last Chances to Provide Input on Maps for Marine Protected Areas

The MLPA Regional Stakeholder Group (the people tasked with making the maps for protected areas) is entering into “Round 3 of map making”. After Round 3, the proposed maps will be given to the Blue Ribbon Taskforce and ultimately forwarded to the Fish & Game Commission for adoption into law.
The time to provide input on where you want Marine Protected Areas is now! The Surfrider Foundation has been obtaining information from our supporters through our survey. Please complete the survey by Aug 1st, if you haven't already. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=jweijd4I8d5vtscSSwjSHw_3d_3d

We plan on sharing the information we have gathered with the Regional Stakeholder Group (RSG) in order to help them create maps that reflect what local communities want. On August 3rd and 4th, the RSG will be coming to San Diego (Carlsbad area). If you are interested in testifying about marine protected areas, we encourage your attendance. If you can attend and/or would like to help, contact Stefanie at: Ssekich@surfrider.org. Please visit Surfrider’s MLPA blog to see the work we are doing, to stay informed about meeting locations, and to view links to proposed RSG maps. http://mlpasurfrider.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Action Alert: Oppose Gregory Canyon Landfill


Oppose Gregory Canyon Landfill


This project is located east of I-15 near SR 76, adjacent to Pala Band of Mission Indians land, in the North County. This project will go before the Regional Water Quality Control Board for waste discharge permit following completion of CEQA documentation. The pertinent issue before the Water Board and what is is of concern to Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter is water quality. The geologic and potential fire conditions at the site increase the risk of leaks that contaminate groundwater basins in the watershed of the San Luis Rey River as well as compromise the San Diego Aqueduct. Recently the City of Carlsbad and the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs joined other governmental bodies in opposing this project. In this age of a society striving for zero waste and in an era of diminishing water supplies, anything that puts water resources counted upon by a large number of San Diego county citizens at risk is unacceptable

What Can You Do?

Write the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board by July 12, 2009, and include your name and address. You can click on the below e-mail address, cut and paste and personalize the below sample letter.

State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board
San Diego Region
9174 Sky Park Court Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92123
Attention: Ms Carole Tamaki

Subject: Tentative Order No. R9-2009-004
Waste Discharge Requirements for the
Gregory Canyon Ltd.
Gregory Canyon Landfill, San Diego County

Dear Members of the Board:

I am very concerned that the proposed Gregory Canyon Landfill is adjacent to the San Diego Aqueduct and the San Luis Rey River and located over a valuable and irreplaceable aquifer. The aqueduct supplies the City of San Diego, the aquifer supplies irrigation and domestic water wells and the River provides water for the City of Oceanside’s water recycling plant.

Despite project proponent assertions, it is very likely, due to geographic conditions in the area that the landfill will leak, resulting in contamination of valuable water resources. Stated mitigation measures are totally unacceptable.

The mission of your board is to preserve and enhance the quality of California's water resources for the benefit of present and future generations of Californians. Adoption of the Tentative Oder for the dangerous proposed Gregory Canyon Landfill project would run counter this mission and put valuable water resources at peril. Please deny this dangerous project.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Carlsbad to Consider Opposing Gregory Canyon Landfill

The Carlsbad City Council is set to consider a resolution opposing the Gregory Canyon Landfill this
evening at 6:00 PM at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. This
dangerous project would be sited next to the San Luis Rey River watershed AND the San Diego aqueduct
and be within one mile of many domestic and irrigation wells. Contamination to these adjacent
bodies would cause water that is relied upon by thousands to be contaminated in this state of
drought and dwindling water deliveries. The project will also negatively impact
the Pala Band of Mission Indians who would be forced to see their sacred sites desecrated by
this project. Please show up at Calrlsbad City hall to ask the City Council to approve this resolution
opposing this project, our water supply in San Diego County is too precious to allow this project
to go forward.

If you can't make it to the meeting, please (especially if you are a Carlsbad resident)
e-mail the City Council using this link.

Hope to see you all there promptly at 6:00, tonight.

Johnny Pappas
Policy Group Leader
Surfrider Foundation
San Diego Chapter

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Coming Soon Our New Policy Website

Our new policy website is being planned and will be unveiled soon!